Comments on: Bring your workout to work Eating well made easy Mon, 05 Dec 2011 15:43:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cinzia Mon, 05 Dec 2011 15:43:14 +0000 In reply to E McIntyre.

Thanks for taking the time to write and express your opinion. These posts on general health may be unappealing to you, but are appreciated by other SOS Cuisine members. FYI, we do have an open office at a 16th floor. Not all my coworkers take the stairs but I often do. And I do take a few minute break after one hour of so of sitting, and I do stretch my legs under my desk. All our tips come from experts or personal experience. Every reader should just feel free to take what he considers useful and leave the rest.

By: E McIntyre Fri, 02 Dec 2011 21:23:41 +0000 I value your website but please stay with food. Your attempt at exercise at work is slightly patronizing and nothing new. Consider – many people commute and there is rarely a choice; staircases are locked for security reasons and if accessible you cannot get onto your office floor without a special security pass, if at all; “nobody can see what you’re doing under your desk”? most offices are open concept or cubicles these days – of course, people will see what you are doing (why is that relevant – the upper body exercises would be visible too).
Please focus on the food and nutrition information and stories – you have a great website.
