Category: Health and Nutrition
What Should You Eat to Help Strengthen Your Immune System?
The immune system is complex, and its proper functioning is influenced by several factors such as stress level, exercise, age, diet, tobacco, sleep… If we want it to be as effective as possible to protect us from pathogenic microorganisms, we must support it with a healthy lifestyle, which includes a balanced diet. Eating well is […]
Vegan Junk Food: No Thanks!
More and more people are removing animal products (meat, fish, eggs, dairy products) from their diets and turning to a more environmentally friendly, animal-friendly, so-called vegan diet, that will be better for their health while also being less expensive. However, be careful not to fall into the trap of vegan junk food because this will […]
Ketone Supplements, Are They the New Fuel for Athletes?
Ketone drinks have received a lot of attention in the media lately for their potential benefits on athletic performance. It has been reported that they have been used by professional cyclists, for example during the Tour de France. Have we found the next magic fuel? The answer is here!
Nutrition Month 2020
Healthy eating is about so much more than food, and so are dietitians! During this Nutrition Month dietitians all across Canada will show Canadians their skills, value and expertise through activities that focus on healthy eating habits like eating mindfully and cooking more often.
Is There a Link Between a Lack of Sleep and Weight Gain?
Cutting your nights short might increase your waistline? This is what I will try to clarify in this article.
Is Fasting Before Exercise Effective to Reduce the Risk of Diabetes?
A recently published study suggests that training on an empty stomach improves insulin sensitivity and can therefore help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. But is that really the case? Let’s dive into this subject!
What Type of Diet Should You Choose When You Have Diabetes?
In 2019, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) released a consensus report on the nutritional treatment of diabetes based on the latest evidence. The conclusion of this report indicates that different dietary approaches can be followed to improve blood sugar levels when you are diabetic. Yet, in all cases, the following 3 suggestions are highly recommended: […]
Fish, Mercury, Omega-3 and Pregnancy
This article was originally written on January 20, 2020 and fully updated on September 3, 2022. Omega-3s are important during pregnancy, and pregnant women are recommended to eat fish in order to help them meet their nutrient needs. However, certain fish have a high content of contaminants, such as mercury, and can interfere with the […]
The Ketogenic Diet for Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
Do you have irritable bowel syndrome, and have you heard that the ketogenic diet could help? I invite you to continue reading this article.
Hypothyroidism and Nutrition: What You Need to Know
Hypothyroidism is a condition that affects up to 5% of the North American and European population. Postmenopausal women are the most affected by this disease. There are several food myths surrounding thyroid function. Let’s shed light on this subject.
What Type of Weight-Loss Meal Plan Is Best for Me?
Well, that’s it: You’ve decided to take charge of your health and you’ve chosen to use SOSCuisine’s services to help you change your eating habits. But you might be wondering: what type of meal plan is best for me and my needs? We’re about to give you some guidance to help you choose.
How to Make Homemade Ketogenic Bread
For those who follow the ketogenic diet, one of the hardest things to give up is bread. No wonder then that the terms “ketogenic bread” or “keto bread” are among the most researched on the web. If you want to customize your own bread recipes, here are some tips.