Category: Health and Nutrition
The Hidden Power of Food
As part of Nutrition Month 2018, I want to take you on a journey; discovering the different powers of food…
5 Heart-Healthy Foods
An important factor involved in the risk of developing cardiovascular disease is diet. Prevention is essential because this type of disease is one of the leading causes of death in Canada. Healthy eating for the heart starts with including key foods into our daily lives. Here are some suggestions.
When Young Children Eat Gluten-Free – Challenges and Solutions
This article was submitted by our partner, the Fondation québécoise de la maladie cœliaque (FQMC). It was written by a dietitian to help those on a gluten-free diet. However, the information is relevant to everyone! The diet of a child from 1 to 5 years is full of peculiarities. Yes, they can sometimes make you […]
Milk and Vegetable Beverages – How to Make Your Choice?
This article was submitted by our partner, the Fondation québécoise de la maladie cœliaque (FQMC). It was written by a dietitian to help those on a gluten-free diet. However, the information is relevant to everyone! Milk as a nutritional beverage is no longer the only available choice in grocery stores. Whatever the reason why a […]
Should We Replace Sugar with Fat in Our Diet?
A few months ago, the results of the PURE study (Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology) were published and made a lot of noise in the media. The main message that has been conveyed on social media is that we should replace carbohydrates with fats in our diet. Some went even further by saying that bacon is a good choice or that it would be better to […]
Weight or Waist: Which is the Most Important?
Did you know that it is possible to have a normal weight while still having a high body fat percentage and an increased risk of developing chronic disease? An excess of fat, especially around the stomach, is associated with a higher risk of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, fatty liver, sleep apnea and cancers. Heart conditions are […]
Is Dark Chocolate Healthy?
You’ve certainly already heard that dark chocolate is good for your health, or that it’s better for you than milk chocolate. But is that really the case? Here’s the answer!
The Super Bowl: Altar of Sporting Events or Just A Cheat Day?
Think only women fall into the trap of popular diets, deprivation and the yoyo effect? Think again! This article is directed at you, guys. What’s the link between the Super Bowl, the major sporting event 1 out of every 2 Canadians tune into, during which every dietary excess is allowed? You may notice that falling […]
Alzheimer’s and Diet
A healthy diet is the key to preventing Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases. That’s why the diet-Alzheimer’s link was the topic of an event organized by the Federation of Quebec Alzheimer Societies (FQAS) on 17th January, to mark Alzheimer’s Awareness Month.
What to Eat and Drink When Practicing Winter Sports
Practicing a winter sport is a great way to stay active and appreciate winter. A proper diet can help you cope with the cold, improve your energy levels, and enable you to recover from your workouts. Here are a few strategies to optimize your diet and help you make the most of winter!
The Virtues of Olive Oil
Olive oil has been consumed by Mediterranean people for nearly 5000 years, used as much for their savory dishes as for their sweet dishes. For the past ten years, a craze has developed for this product worldwide, both for its taste and for its health benefits.
Fibromyalgia: 5 Diet Tips to Cope With It
In my previous article on fibromyalgia, I shared how a low-FODMAP diet can help manage its associated gastrointestinal symptoms. If this type of diet isn’t for you, or if you have neither stomach aches nor other functional digestive issues, I have a few other tips to help you live better with fibromyalgia. Note that these […]