Category: Health and Nutrition

5 Basics of Clean Eating

April 2, 2014 No Comments

Detoxify your diet! Over the past few years, it has become glaringly obvious that our grocery stores are crammed with processed food. However an increasingly popular movement is, in some way, an antidote to this problem: clean eating, i.e., a simple and natural diet. Its principles will result in improving the quality of what you […]

Keep foods safe to eat

March 28, 2014 No Comments

Young children (ages five and under) are at an increased risk of food poisoning. Older kids can get sick because of harmful foodborne bacteria too. Here are a few food safety tips on packing school lunches to help keep all your children happy and healthy.

cake pop snack

9 tips to avoid evening snacks!

March 26, 2014 1 Comment

You eat the right foods all day long, but can’t help nibbling on snacks when you come home from work? Or maybe you are the type of person who keeps on eating after supper, wolfing down one or even two desserts? And then another snack in front of the TV?

strawbery smoothie aux fraises

5 healthy foods that can make you gain weight!

March 19, 2014 No Comments

Some foods that are considered as healthy can actually betray you when you need to keep your figure. You may just be surprised by this top 5 …

The sun as an anti-depressant

March 11, 2014 No Comments

The gradual increase of daylight hours is a sure-fire sign that winter is mostly behind us and that we can start anticipating the arrival of spring. This is great news for all those who are particularly sensitive to lack of light. It’s believed that up to 15% of the population in the Nordic countries are […]

5 Tips… for Bouncing Back After a Training Session!

March 10, 2014 No Comments

The physical and psychological benefits of exercise are indisputable. However, in order to maximise your training sessions and improve your performance, you should have a proper diet and provide your body with nutrients at the right time. Here are 5 tips you should follow immediately after your training to bounce back like a champ! Note […]

The basics of successful weight loss

March 5, 2014 4 Comments

A few basic rules determine the success of a weight loss programme. First of all, it is important to remember that it is not possible to achieve permanent physiological changes without permanently altering one’s lifestyle. Although many commercials lure people with promises of unbelievable weight loss without any effort, losing weight safely and permanently is […]

What is blood cholesterol?

March 3, 2014 No Comments

Cholesterol is one of the fats that is present in blood. It may be used in the construction of cell membranes and in the manufacture of vitamin D or hormones such as cortisol, testosterone and progesterone.

heart healthy Coeur en santé

Preventing hypertension through diet

February 28, 2014 No Comments

What is hypertension? One is said to suffer from hypertension (or high pressure) when the force exerted on the walls of the arteries by blood pumped from the heart throughout the human body is higher than normal. If nothing is done to lower blood pressure, the blood vessels harden and blood circulation gets restricted. Since […]


Heart-Friendly Food Items

February 21, 2014 No Comments

Colored fruits and vegetables By consuming 4 fruits and 5 servings of vegetables a day, you absorb a fair amount of antioxidants. Make sure you consume a range of colors that include at least one green and one orange vegetable for a variety of vitamins. In winter, we stock up on citrus fruits and we […]

Eating well for a healthy heart: Beware of these 4 elements (part 2)

February 16, 2014 No Comments

Trans fats Derived from partially hydrogenated oils, industrial trans fats are the most harmful to the heart. They can increase bad cholesterol (LDL) and decrease good cholesterol (HDL). Since labels on processed food must indicate their trans fat content, it is easy to identify and avoid them.

Eating well for a healthy heart: DASH diet to the rescue (part 1)

February 14, 2014 No Comments

Almost a third of all deaths in the West are linked to cardiovascular diseases. Among the various factors directly related to this incidence, are several that can be controlled with a healthy lifestyle. February being the Heart Month, this is the perfect time to adopt good eating habits to improve cardiovascular health.

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