Category: Health and Nutrition
Nutrition for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic autoimmune disease characterized by inflammation and damage to the joints, with progressive destruction of cartilage and bones. Genetic and environmental factors determine one’s susceptibility to develop this condition. In recent years, a growing number of studies have shown that diet plays a central role in the risk and progression […]
Change Your Diet to Extend Your Life by 10 Years
We have already known for several years that the way we eat has a direct impact on our health, our aging and our life expectancy. But until now there was no simple method to estimate how much each change in our diet can extend our life.
6 Ways to Stop Eating Your Emotions
There is a close connection between our emotions and our diet. For some people, food is a way to manage their emotions. Some eat when they are stressed while others eat because they are sad. Many will seek comfort in food, and sometimes, without even realizing it.
How to Modify Your Gut Bacteria to Lose Weight
Did you know that our microbiome, which is the set of bacteria present in the gastrointestinal tract, can affect our ability to lose weight?
Dietary Supplements for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is the most common gastrointestinal disease in the world, affecting about one in seven people and is more predominantly found in women. The causes of IBS are still unknown. It is a multifactorial disorder involving an interaction between the digestive system, intestinal bacteria, the nervous system, and external factors such as […]
Hormones, Satiety and Weight
Whether from scientists or the general public, it is possible to observe a growing interest in the effects that hormones can have on our weight. In light of this new infatuation, diets have emerged that are aimed at rebalancing hormones.
Whether it’s filling up an empty stomach or replenishing your energy after a workout, a nutritious snack is a big help to get your day going. If you follow a low-FODMAP* diet to reduce your symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), it is best to be well organized and include these small snacks on your meal […]
Dietary Recommendations for SIBO
SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) is an increase in the number of bacteria in the small intestine that are normally found in large amounts in the colon, resulting in excessive fermentation, inflammation and malabsorption. It is a microbiome dysbiosis, that is, an imbalance in the bacteria of the digestive system.
Dietitian Alexa Schmidt joins SOSCuisine
There’s a new face in our Nutrition team: Alexa Schmidt, a nutritionist-dietitian, who joined SOSCuisine this fall. She accompanies our VIP members who need personalized support. Being passionate about the health and cooking fields, Alexa has also chosen the dietitian profession for the positive impact it can have in people’s lives.
Succeeding with your Low-Histamine Diet: Alessandro’s Experience
When diagnosed with a histamine intolerance, you’ll need to follow a low-histamine diet, or temporarily eliminate the main food sources of histamine from your diet. This is not easy because histamine is present in the majority of foods and, in addition, food triggers vary greatly from one person to another. Therefore, there is no consensus […]
TOP 15 Low-FODMAP Vegetables
The low-FODMAP diet provides relief to long-time sufferers of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)*. It consists of a phase of temporary elimination of FODMAP carbohydrates, followed by a phase of reintroduction and a phase of long-term maintenance. Since FODMAPs are found in many fruits, vegetables, nuts, dairy and grain products, the person starting this diet may […]
TOP 10 : Unconventional Grapes Recipes
We most often eat grapes in our snacks and we less often think of incorporating them into our more elaborate recipes. While a must-have on a cheese board, they can add a nice sweet touch to many dishes, from salads to stews. To help you savor fresh grapes as well as raisins, here are ten […]