Have you eliminated FODMAPs from your diet, and feel much better? Have you read that it is important to reintroduce them, but ask yourself “Why reintroduce FODMAPs when my symptoms have diminished?”
It is important to reintroduce FODMAPs for several reasons. Firstly, by eliminating FODMAPs from your diet, you remove many foods. The risk of nutrient deficiency increases, especially if you have limited nutritional knowledge or are following a low FODMAP diet on your own. The risk of deficiencies is diminished if you follow SOSCuisine’s low FODMAP menus, which are well balanced and varied.
What’s more, foods which contain FODMAPs (especially those which contain fructans and galacto-oligosaccharides) also contain prebiotics. Prebiotics are fibers which are not easily digested by the digestive system, they reach the colon as is, where they feed the good bacteria. According to the latest studies, eliminating FODMAPs long term could have negative consequences on your intestinal flora1,2 because of the removal of these prebiotics.
By reintroducing FODMAPs and carrying out consumption tests, you can identify the FODMAP(s) which cause YOU problems. Indeed, most people who suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome can tolerate certain FODMAP groups and not others. By identifying the ones that cause you issues, you can then reintroduce the others. This way, you are on the right track to better dietary habits, which consists in having a varied diet, avoiding unnecessary restrictions and having control over your symptoms.
Photo: Pexels, Andrea Piacquadio, ©
Now that we know why it is so important to reintroduce FODMAPs, let’s take a look at what that consists of exactly. The reintroduction and the consumption tests are done once you have eliminated the symptoms, that is after 2 to 6 weeks of FODMAP elimination. The elimination period can vary from person to person. To ensure you experience the best results, I advise you to read this article on how to optimise the low-FODMAP diet.
Each of the 6 groups of FODMAPs (fructans, galacto-oligosaccharides, lactose, excess fructose and polyols (mannitol and sorbitol)) has to be tested individually over the course of several weeks. Each FODMAP group requires at least one week of dietary tests.
For more information and for an example of the reintroduction protocol, I invite you to take a look at our book The FODMAP Solution – Put an end to IBS symptoms and abdominal pain.
A nutritionist can make your life easier during this phase by working with you to identify the best foods to test in order to personalize the consumption tests depending on your dietary habits. What’s more, he or she will know how to guide you to best identify which FODMAP(s) are problematic for you by helping you to choose the right foods and appropriate quantities to consume during the reintroduction phase.
The order in which you decide to reintroduce the FODMAPs is at your discretion, a nutritionist can help you to make the best choice for you.
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