This post is dedicated to my friend and great supporter Kim Fraser, former radio host at CJAD800am. She is the one who recognized my talent at making tasty soups and crowned me “Queen of Soups”.
Making soup is very easy. The simplest soup can be made by throwing in all the left over vegetables from your fridge into a large pot of boiling water and just leaving them in till they are done! In case you want to be slightly more refined, then first prepare a good broth, select fresh, good quality ingredients, decide upon the order in which you want to cook them, select the required consistency, that is, smooth and creamy, thicker or more watery, with or without chunks, etc.
Whatever the case, soup is one of the most comforting forms of food, as it often triggers childhood memories of smells wafting out of our kitchen. And what’s more, it’s an excellent way of making stubborn children eat their vegetables! You simply need to purée all but a few pieces of vegetables, which the children will enjoy fishing out, while eating their soup.
Soups contain relatively few calories as compared to their volume and are therefore perfect for people who are trying to reduce their weight.
This week, I’d like to propose three different soup recipes that you can prepare in large quantities and store in the freezer. So enjoy a hearty soup that is flavorful and will fill you with energy and good health!
Originally published in the Journal de Montréal on November 27, 2010.
I am a big fan of Kim and her sense of humor. Love it when Cynthia tries to get Kim to try out some new food. Keep up the good work, girls!