Tag: gastrointestinal health
A Nickel Allergy and Diet: a Possible Link?
Nickel is a metal that is found in water, soil, air and the biosphere. It is used with other metals to form alloys and is widely used in the production of stainless steel. Nickel is one of the main elements responsible for allergic contact dermatitis.
Endometriosis and Nutrition
Endometriosis is a complex chronic and inflammatory disease that affects 1 in 10 women. It is characterized by the growth of endometrial-like tissues (the lining of the inside of the uterine cavity) outside the uterus. Despite its prevalence, this disease is still not well known, and its diagnosis can take 7-10 years.
Dietary Supplements for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is the most common gastrointestinal disease in the world, affecting about one in seven people and is more predominantly found in women. The causes of IBS are still unknown. It is a multifactorial disorder involving an interaction between the digestive system, intestinal bacteria, the nervous system, and external factors such as […]
Our Most Popular Articles of 2021
What are the topics that interested you the most on our blog in 2021? Digestive health has certainly been at the heart of your concerns, and with good reason! As the year draws to a close, here is our list of the 10 most popular blog posts of 2021.
What To Eat When You Have Inflammatory Bowel Disease?
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) includes a group of conditions whose two main forms are ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. These diseases cause inflammation of the lining of the digestive tract and disrupt the body’s capacity to digest and absorb nutrients. People with IBD may experience acute periods of symptoms (active phase) and other periods when […]
Can Enzymes Help Relieve Your Digestion Problems?
If your digestive system causes you to suffer: diarrhea, constipation, bloating, gas…, you have most likely already tried supplements of all kinds, and with varying results, to help relieve your symptoms. As you have walked through the natural supplements aisles of your local pharmacy or health food store you may have already noticed digestive enzymes […]