The Montreal Heart Institute’s Centre for Preventive Medicine (EPIC Centre), through its Foundation, signed a five-year partnership with SOSCuisine, allowing its patients and employees to benefit from the specialized meal planning service developed and operated by SOSCuisine.
Through such concrete actions, the EPIC Foundation supports the mission of the EPIC Centre by promoting and facilitating the adoption of healthy lifestyles to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
SOS Cuisine is honoured to have been chosen by the MHI’s EPIC Centre and proud to contribute to its mission in a tangible and innovative way.
It’s now a well-documented fact that we can reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease by about 80% if we adopt healthy lifestyle habits: a Mediterranean diet, quitting smoking, staying physically active and maintaining a healthy weight.
And it’s also equally well known that diet modification is the most difficult challenge. What’s more, the media constantly bombards us with conflicting information on food, so much so that it becomes difficult to make sense of this glut of information. Such confusion arises from the fact that most studies focus on single foods, food groups or supplements, whereas they should perhaps look at food in a holistic manner. Every meaningful research over the past 20 years that has studied food from such a perspective reveals that the Mediterranean diet is beneficial for cardiovascular as well as for general health.
The Mediterranean diet actually contributes to reducing the risk of several cancers, helps prevent diabetes, prevents cognitive decline and reduces the risk of dementia. Moreover, when adopting the Mediterranean diet, you quickly realize that it’s not only easy to start on but also very enjoyable to follow.
SOS Cuisine is a tool of the highest quality to help you adopt and maintain a Mediterranean diet. The SOS Cuisine website is very professionally designed and it is convenient to use. We recommend the SOS Cuisine services to all our patients and everyone who wishes to improve their diet. So it’s with great pleasure that we have entered into this partnership with SOS Cuisine.
Dr. Martin Juneau, MD, MSc(Psy), FRCP(C)
Director of Prevention
Montreal Heart InstituteProfessor
Department of Medicine, University of Montreal
For many years now, a nutritional approach has been recognized as the cornerstone of prevention and treatment of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes and excess weight.
Over the past ten years or so, the Montreal Heart Institute’s EPIC Centre has been advising its patients and members to adopt the Mediterranean diet. Rich in fruits and vegetables, whole-grain products, vegetable protein, good quality fat and very limited in concentrated sugars and salt, its benefits have been demonstrated beyond doubt in numerous scientific studies.
SOSCuisine’s Heart Healthy meal plan ensures that all the nutritional principles taught in the EPIC Centre are respected. This tool makes it possible to receive full menus for better planning of meals.
Élise Latour, Dt.P.
Registered Dietitian, EPIC Centre
The EPIC Centre is the cornerstone of the Montreal Heart Institute’s prevention strategy and actions. It is Canada’s largest cardiovascular disease prevention centre, with over 5,000 registered members. It employs 82 professionals, including cardiologists, internists, emergency physicians, a physiologist, visiting professors, nurses, registered dietitians, kinesiologists and rescuers.
The EPIC Centre offers its services to both healthy people who wish to stay so (primary prevention) and patients who had a heart attack (secondary prevention).
Promoting a healthy lifestyle, and more specifically, promoting the reduction of risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease, is obviously at the very ‘heart’ of the EPIC Centre’s mission.
Affiliated with the University of Montréal, the Montreal Heart Institute is Canada’s largest cardiology treatment centre in Canada, and one of the most important in the world. Its research center, recognized internationally, is the first devoted exclusively to cardiovascular disease and remains to this day among the best in the world.
The ICM also has Canada’s largest cardiovascular disease prevention centre, and is the first educational center on cardiovascular disease to emerge in Canada. It offers care quality that rivals leading international institutions, such as the Cleveland Clinic and the Mayo Clinic in the United States, and the Thorax Centre in the Netherlands.