The ketogenic diet has been gaining popularity in recent years. Maybe you’ve heard the phrase before — it’s a huge diet buzzword — but aren’t sure what it means. It is a very low-carb, high-fat diet. We worked very hard to design a new keto meal plan that meets the criteria of the keto diet. To give you an idea of the recipes it could contain, here are 10 ketogenic recipes.
Rabbit is a white meat, similar in taste and texture to chicken. Nowadays it is commonly found in local supermarkets, since its fine taste and nutritional qualities make it an interesting alternative to red meat. It is rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals, quite low in fat and easy to digest. To be served with a classic keto recipe: Cauliflower Rice.
There is room for green vegetables in the keto diet. In this recipe, Brussels sprouts become tender with a light smoky taste. Yummy!
These braised brussels sprouts with bacon are so Instagrammable and adorable! As you know I made it a short while ago and it was lovely! Thx, Jeanne for sharing!
i love keto recipes.i will try it keto at home.thanks for this post
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